About Us
Osoji Robotics Corporation is a Chilean company with Japanese partners, which seeks to democratize robotics, Osoji uses the Japanese Kaizen philosophy in the design of household appliances, which is based on the design of simple, efficient and functional robots, at very competitive prices, with the best customer service in the market.
Our goal is to reach all Latin American homes, to be the most convenient option when choosing a cleaning robot and to create a community around them.
We work for you, so you can have a great time doing what you really want. We believe that technology is what will help people to make the most of their lives, and cleaning tasks can be replaced by new innovations.
We maintain clean and lasting relationships with our suppliers, customers and employees.
Our Goals
Our goal isn’t just selling robots, our goal is to improve quality of life, one chore less at a time.
To lead the way in home robot technologies.
For Everyone
Democratize robotics, i.e. offer quality products at an affordable price to reach every home.
Osoji Ecosystem
Create an Osoji Ecosystem Where robots are part of your family and are assigned the tedious day-to-day tasks.
Our commitment
Cleanliness first and foremost
We are convinced that cleanliness on the outside is a reflection of cleanliness on the inside. If together we help to create places free of dust and waste, we will also be happier.
Responsible Communication
If you need help with our robots, we have a team of people ready to help you, stand by your side and take charge in case of failures.
The easier the better
We work every day to create simple products, honest communications and direct relationships with the entire community.
Become a Certified B-Corporation
We seek to have a triple impact, with a concrete solution to the problem of contamination, recycling of technological elements, always in collaboration with the community and with economically sustainable methods.
Our history
Osoji Robotics Corporation was born in Santiago de Chile in 2018, together with our Partners in Tokyo we have managed to develop cutting-edge technology in robots for the home.
Each of our models has generated us a space in the market and today we are one of the leading companies in the category.
Each product development we think based on the needs of households, focused on giving more time to people.
Osoji Family
Like any family we have our Osoji House in Santiago de Chile, where each of the members is key in the company’s performance. The key to our success is that the people who work in Osoji love the brand and vibrate with it, our team is characterized by its enthusiasm, creativity and motivation to work as a team.
We believe that in order to achieve all that our desires and dreams, we need everyone committed to this mission. We are aware of the impact that this generates and we want to create direct, warm and lasting relationships with our collaborators and allies.

Octavio Urzúa
Fundador y CEO

Consuelo Vial
Cofundadora y CFO

Cecilia Jottar Awad
Gerente Alianzas y Nuevos Negocios

Catalina Kawas
Gerente Marketing

Alejandro Urzúa
Cofundador y Gerente Servicio Clientes

Subgerente Comercial

María José Zabaleta
Chef Ejecutiva

Cultura y Felicidad

Maira Muñoz

Fabián Quiroz
Servicio Técnico

Tomo naganawa
Cultura Kaizen

Cecilia Cruz
Mixer Master Chef

Country Manager

Jefe de proyectos

Jefe de Operaciones

Nelson Salas
Operación y Logística

Meyle Escalante
Diseño Gráfico

Oscar Stuart
Diseño y Web Master

Content Manager

Project Manager